
Bucket List!

October 14, 2022

I’m Linda.
Welcome! I will share ideas/thoughts/experiences related to business, travel, home and inspiration. My hope is that this blog encourages others to "WEAR THE PERFUME!" in their lives! Enjoy!
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Write your BUCKET LIST!

Do you have a bucket list? I sure hope so! I love to have something to look forward to (I know…don’t end a sentence with a preposition…can’t help myself). 

If we are going to live the “WEAR THE PERFUME!” lifestyle, you need to get yourself a bucket list. I have had mine for a few years. I add to it, record accomplishment dates and delete items that no longer can happen exactly as I have listed. Your bucket list is fluid; it is your’s and you make it work however you want. 

I have a few bucket list items I have never written down. I highly recommend writing them down…just being honest that I have a few not written. One of my non-written bucket list items…see Elton John in concert! Let me tell you…ELTON JOHN CONCERT CAME TRUE ON OCTOBER 2, 2022!


Let me set the stage…I LOVE concerts!! I have been to some great ones this year, such as Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban and Garth Brooks. However…Elton John hit a little different. I have listened to his music since I was probably 7, so basically 50 years! His songwriting and piano playing are beautiful gifts, along with his voice. I love watching someone use the incredible gifts God gave them.

How do I truly treasure a “bucket list” moment? When I am in the moment, I try to soak in the feel, the smells if it is relevant, the temperature, the sights, the person(s) I am with, the emotions I am feeling, the sounds, etc. At the concert, I took a few minutes a couple of different times and looked up in the sky to remember the temperature and the beautiful night. I danced…I sang…I screamed! I live all out at concerts. 

Bucket list items can be big or small…the beauty is that it is your list and it can include whatever you want to do. Here are a few more of mine to give you some ideas:

  • watch the sunrise over a mountain (accomplished fall 2020 in North Carolina)
  • Visit all 50 states
  • Eat a pineapple that I pick at the Dole plantation in Hawaii 
  • Write a book (completed August 2022)

I am so excited for you to start making your bucket list! Let me know some of the items on your list…I might want to add them to mine. 

Thanks for stopping by! Linda


If you need a framework on how to WEAR THE PERFUME! in your life, go get my new E-book!! It will give you a framework on how to live life NOW, take risks NOW and not be afraid NOW!

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