It’s 3:00 in the morning and I have been awake for over an hour. My lower back aches from sleeping on my parent’s bed…sorry mom and dad but it is hard! Why am I sleeping in my childhood home? Life events can put you in very uncomfortable situations that have nothing to do with a hard bed.

I received a call earlier in the week from my mom that the rehab facility, where my dad was recovering from back surgery. They were sending my dad to the ER. Dad had been sick since surgery. I felt as though something wasn’t right. However, I am about as far from a medical professional as they come. When my mom called, I was just running errands…you know those mundane tasks that we take for granted that we are fortunate enough to be able to do. I rushed home, backed my bag, rushed our cute dog out to potty and then off I went. I even stopped for food because I hadn’t eaten a lot that day. I didn’t know that food stop could have changed my life forever. Dad had been vomiting profusely, but I never expected what I encountered when I arrived at the hospital.
My trip was about an hour and 15 minutes to get to my dad. About 35 minutes from my destination, my brother called to tell me what door to come to and what ER room my dad was in. I kept calmly driving, trying to stay positive and just listened to music. About 10 minutes out I received a text from my brother. I saw on my digital display it was from him. I told myself that he must be sending a basic update or location change. I would check the text when I arrived in the hospital parking lot. As I turned in the parking lot, I picked up my phone and looked at the text. My eyes only saw the beginning of the text which told me of their waiting location change. I parked and then read the full text:
“ They moved us to the waiting room so come in the main entrance. Not looking good. But they are working on him every way they can.”
“Not looking good”…”working on him every way they can” was I reading that right? How could it not be looking good. My dad was a tough guy. Yes he was 85 but in my mind the guy is living to at least 95.

The next what seemed like hours drug on…even though I think it was maybe an hour. Every time the door opened from the ER, I would stare at the door and get sick to my stomach. Was that next door open going to be the one telling me my dad didn’t make it? I don’t think I will ever forget the sound of that door opening. I could see the door better than anyone. I see a woman walk out looking around. Of course, I don’t recognize anyone since I arrived last and never got to go back with dad. Finally the nurse recognizes my family. I honestly don’t remember what she said. I just know she told us dad was hanging in there. I was still so scared, but that nurse’s words were some of the best words I had ever heard.
We were able to go back two at a time to see dad. My siblings kindly let me go back with mom first. His room was at the end of the hall. The walk towards it seemed like an eternity. As we approached my dad’s room, I saw him lying on a gurney, flat on his back (which he hates). Was I really living this nightmare? Was that really my dad? Was this the man who worked so many hours every week to provide for his family? Was this the man who we surprised with an 80th birthday party not too many years earlier and who truly seemed so happy about it? Was this the man who spoke few words but we knew he loved us fiercely?
Why do I share this with all of you? Because my message is that life is too short. We don’t know what the day holds. Also because of my mission…we MUST make the most of every day however we can! Sometimes we make the most of a day in big ways. Some days we are just trying to scrape by…but if we can even muster up an encouraging word or a positive thought we have lived a good day!
Thanks for sticking around and reading this until the end. Friends, live life NOW! Take risks NOW! Don’t be afraid NOW!
As the time ticked, it was decided dad had to be moved to a bigger hospital. Early in the morning, he was whisked awayto where he would spend over the next few weeks recovering…yes recovering!! (happy dance!) As I finish this blog post, dad is still in that same hospital. He has had quite the trying experience and I hate it for him.
Thanks for stopping by! Linda

My E-book, ”WEAR THE PERFUME!”, will give you a framework to live life NOW, take risks NOW, and not be afraid NOW!