Do you ever look at people and think “what is their story”? I do it all the time. I have for years. The other night I was at a concert with one of my best friends. She leaned over and said “I wonder what their story is”. She was referring to a group of women in front of us. I would guess they might be empty nesters, possibly retired, some were married. As soon as they got into the row in front of us, I thought to myself “what fun to be with a group of your friends…now what is their story”.

As I go about life, I try to stop and ask people questions. It truly is amazing what you can learn from someone if you just ask them a question. I have learned of people’s struggles, why they are where they are at a particular moment, where they are from, and on and on. Probably one of my biggest lessons…you truly do not know what someone has been or is going through.
So back to our mystery group of ladies in front of us at the concert. I wanted so badly to tap them on the shoulder and ask them their story. Were they celebrating something? Do they get together often or do they just love Keith Urban and had to go to that concert? Do they live by each other? How long had they been friends? I could go on and on with the questions. I didn’t want to interrupt their evening and all their fun. I will say for sure…THEY WERE HAVING FUN!! HA!! I have thought about them a few times since the concert. Will they get to go to a concert again? Maybe they already have their next get together planned.
Everyone has a story, even if they think theirs is not exciting or important. Trust me, everyone has something to share and impact other people. So, when you see someone out and about, maybe the person checking you out at the grocery store…ask them a question. First, you might learn something. Second and even more important, you might be the only person that really shows interest in them during their shift at work that day. Go out and find the stories. Your life will be enriched and the lives of other’s will be enriched by you asking.
What’s your story?
Thanks for stopping by! Linda

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