
New Year…New Experiences

January 4, 2022

I’m Linda.
Welcome! I will share ideas/thoughts/experiences related to business, travel, home and inspiration. My hope is that this blog encourages others to "WEAR THE PERFUME!" in their lives! Enjoy!
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Happy 2022 everyone! My hope is that you had a fabulous Christmas and some relaxing time with family and friends.  Now we focus on the new year and what we are going to do with it.

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I love something new – whether it be a new pair of shoes, a new home décor item, a new book, or a new perspective. My purpose with Wear The Perfume! is to encourage my friends and friends I haven’t met yet to live life now!  I know the busyness of life gets in the way sometimes.  However, this is the only life we get here on earth, so we need to live it now!  So…trying, tasting, doing or experiencing something new is a great way to live life NOW and to LIVE LIFE LAVISHLY!

Over the course of 2022, I will be trying, doing, eating, etc. something new each week.  I get bored easily…I always have.  I think I used to drive my mom a little crazy by always saying “I’m bored”.  As a woman of let’s just say “experienced” age, I still get bored and I am sure I drive my husband crazy with that trait. The thought of something new each week excites me!  I do not have the entire plan set out for the whole year – that would bore me. HA! I will plan some new things in advance and some I will come up with as the year goes along and opportunity presents itself. 

time for a change, new ways, letters-4184047.jpg

My first new experience of the year will be going to a fitness facility at a golf club my husband just joined.  I have never been in the club (I am not a golfer yet) and have never seen the fitness facility. Am I excited about this new adventure?  Let me be honest…not really. I have a few reasons why I chose this new adventure.  First, I do need to get in shape so that is a valid reason.  However, I think my bigger purpose for this new experience is to share my feelings, experience and advice to others who put themselves “out there” when they don’t want to. 

Listen…I am an extremely outgoing person.  I am not intimidated by much when it comes to meeting new people and going new places.  I can walk into a business meeting, or a networking event alone and not think twice about it.  Then I find myself walking into a fitness facility and much of that confidence disappears.  I will share my experience on my Instagram stories at the end of the week. Follow @weartheperfume on Instagram to get the follow up to my experience.

I want to challenge all of you to try or do something new.  We should all try something and then share it with each other.  We could possibly spark a movement!!  How cool would that be?  Remember that it doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive.  I have created a list of 50 ideas to WEAR THE PERFUME! in your life. Get the list for free and maybe it will spark some ideas for you.

Remember….LIVE LIFE LAVISHLY!  Lavishly means expended or produced in abundance. I LOVE THAT WORD!! Don’t wait – live life NOW!

Cheers to 2022 and to new experiences!

Thanks for stopping by!




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