
Gifts…Are You Wasting Yours?

October 13, 2021

I’m Linda.
Welcome! I will share ideas/thoughts/experiences related to business, travel, home and inspiration. My hope is that this blog encourages others to "WEAR THE PERFUME!" in their lives! Enjoy!
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I am wasting my gifts.  Am I proud to admit that? Nope…embarrassed actually. I used to take the path of “I don’t know what my gifts are” or “Do I really have any gifts compared to other people”.  What a cop out!!  I think sometimes we think gifts are these extraordinary abilities in someone’s life.  If we label them that way then we have a tendency to say “I don’t really have any gifts”.  We all have gifts!  Let me repeat that for the stubborn people in the back like me…WE ALL HAVE GIFTS!

The other day as I was listening to a business training, the conversation got on the topic of being “stuck”.  I have really thought about being “stuck” lately.  “Stuck” can be in different areas of people’s lives.  My “stuck” currently (oh yeah I have had to face it previously) is taking an idea(s) I have and I just keep rolling them around in my mind.  Kind of like a hamster of a wheel…the thoughts keep going but I just don’t get anywhere.  I use the premise…I don’t want to mess up the idea I have.  Or another one…I might only get one chance to present it correctly the first time…blah blah blah. If I am being completely honest with myself and all of you…it is getting ridiculous!

Here is the bottom line…either START what you (me) have been thinking about for a LONG time or QUIT THINKING ABOUT IT!!  At some point you have to start!  If you don’t, you have to let it go.  Do I think you should let it go?  No I do not…I think if we keep thinking about something than we are supposed to do it.

I don’t want to be mean or pushy in this post.  However, I do want to strongly nudge you to MOVE, DO, GO, START, CREATE…whatever it is you are supposed to be doing with your gifts.  We only get this short life and we need to live it to the fullest.  We also need to use the gifts God has given us.  They are gifts to be accepted and used.  We need to WEAR THE PERFUME! in our lives…which for those of you who may be new WEAR THE PERFUME! means to live life NOW, don’t be afraid NOW…use the good china for dinner, take the trip you keep thinking about, wear the nice perfume even if you are working at home!

As I was sitting at my computer watching the business training I mentioned, a thought hit me so hard I froze.  Here is what I thought:  YOU ARE NOT PROTECTING YOUR GIFTS…YOU ARE WASTING THEM!!!  Smack me in the face!!!  I do not want to waste what God has given me, so I better get busy.  Will you also get busy?  I would love to know what gifts you have not shared with the world that you are supposed to be.  Let me know.  You have a job to do on this side of heaven!  Go do it!

You are not protecting your gifts…you are wasting them!

Thank you for stopping by!



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