the Wear The Perfume!
Join the journey of the WEAR THE PERFUME! lifestyle! I love to write about various topics that are inspirational, possibly requiring thought or action, and close to my heart.
Inspiration for a WEAR THE PERFUME! life
Recently I tackled something hard to do for me. I designed my own website. For some people, a website design is simple and no big deal. For me, it required me stepping out of my comfort zone and having patience! Now let me be honest, I bought a series of templates and then designed to […]
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If we are going to “WEAR THE PERFUME!” In our lives, we have to step out and take action on those ideas we have harbored in our minds. For some of us, one of those ideas has been starting our own business. We can create many excuses as to why we “can’t” start a business […]
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When you hear the word “anticipation”, what comes to mind? Do you start singing the song – probably only happens to those of us a little along in years! Ha! I also think of excitement, adventure and hope! I love to have the feeling of anticipation for an upcoming event, project, meeting or trip. I […]
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If you have followed along for any length of time, you know that I created “WEAR THE PERFUME!” to encourage women to live life now! Don’t wait to do the things you want to do. One of my passions in life is business. Let’s dive in to how we can “WEAR THE PERFUME!” in business. […]
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Have you ever heard the phrase “be fearless”? I am not a fan of that phrase. I am sure people think it sounds so bold, encouraging and the “correct” thing to say. Why don’t I care for it? The Webster dictionary defines fearless as “free from fear”. Usually when the phrase “be fearless” is being […]
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Happy 2022 everyone! My hope is that you had a fabulous Christmas and some relaxing time with family and friends. Now we focus on the new year and what we are going to do with it. I love something new – whether it be a new pair of shoes, a new home décor item, a […]
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Survivor of not living my life NOW. Sharing inspiration for you to live your life NOW.
I love to write about various topics that I find inspiring and I hope you will as well. Business, travel, home and inspiration are the guiding pillars of the topics I will share. I look forward to having you along on the journey. I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to the CONTACT button and let me know what you are excited about reading.
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All things business, travel, home and inspiration can be found on the "WEAR THE PERFUME!" insta account. Come and join the FUN!