
Front Row Living

March 11, 2021

I’m Linda.
Welcome! I will share ideas/thoughts/experiences related to business, travel, home and inspiration. My hope is that this blog encourages others to "WEAR THE PERFUME!" in their lives! Enjoy!
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I was listening to a podcast the other day.  They were talking about Zig Ziglar and a presentation he gave regarding people sitting in the front row.  Basically, he was speaking and he had many front row seats available.  He asked people to come on down and fill them.  Only one person responded by moving to the front. 

Why?  Why are we as humans afraid of the front row?  I started thinking about this concept.  Listen…when it comes to a concert, I would venture to guess that the majority of people would LOVE to be in the front row or as close as absolutely possible.  BUT…when it comes to church or maybe listening to a speaker, the majority of people would tend to stay away from the front.  My conclusion (no scientific research here…just observation) is that at a concert, people are excited and don’t fear any sort of judgement in that situation.  In the church or speaker scenario, I believe that people create a vision in their minds of being judged.  Or even more so, I think people just don’t have the confidence to go to the front.  Are they afraid that the speaker may be “speaking directly to them”? Is their confidence really such that they don’t want to be seen?  Maybe they don’t completely want to be there?  I don’t know the exact answer. 

What I do know…I always try to sit up front, or as close as possible, when I am in church or at a speaking event.  Does it make me uncomfortable?  Fortunately for me it doesn’t.  Would I do it if it did make me uncomfortable?  Yes…but maybe the 3rd or 4th row not the front row. Why do I gravitate to the front row?

I have 3 reasons I go to the front:  I get distracted if too many heads are in front of me; I like to really see the speaker’s face and look into their eyes; I want to really absorb what the speaker is saying and pay attention.  My philosophy…why in the world would I use my precious time to go listen if I don’t plan on engaging completely in the situation.

Please note that there is no judgement for those uncomfortable with the front row.  Only encouragement to give it a try and see how it goes!

We need to engage completely in life as well. How does the “front row” concept relate to our life in general.  Are we living our lives in the “front row”?  Are we always putting ourselves behind everyone else?  Don’t get me wrong…we are called to serve and take care of people.  However, we also need to put ourselves first occasionally.  Am I good at that?  Not great but getting better.  I think living in the “front row” can also mean are we really enjoying our lives…trying new things…going after what we have dreamed about whether big or small?  FRONT ROW living can mean just get FULL JOY out of a situation.  Joy in the seeing the new flowers bloom in the spring…joy in the taste of your favorite ice cream…joy of hearing your mom or dad’s voice…joy of screaming on a roller coaster.


I want to live like the ladies in the front row of this photo.  Is it time for you to do the same?

Don’t be like those third row ladies!!!  HA!

Let’s go live in the “front row” and as I always say… “WEAR THE PERFUME!”




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  1. Dana (Breeden) Herbertz says:

    Linda, I love your Blog! I too enjoy going to the front. I want to make sure that I get all of the information given. I’ve learned not to be bashful or to worry about what other people think. They can judge all they want to, but I’m living my life, they aren’t. I wear and do what I want to do. That makes me happy! Living and feeling what is in my heart ❤. God is always in my heart and He is happiness and love.
    Thank you for creating this blog! I’m sure it will give alot of people happiness. ?

    • admin says:

      Hi Dana! Thank you so much for reading. I love that you are living in the front row! Good for you!

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