
It’s OK to Live the Good Life!

January 6, 2021

I’m Linda.
Welcome! I will share ideas/thoughts/experiences related to business, travel, home and inspiration. My hope is that this blog encourages others to "WEAR THE PERFUME!" in their lives! Enjoy!
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All my life…all 55 years of it…I have discounted myself being allowed to enjoy the “good things” in life.  In this blog post, I am not talking about family or friends.  They are truly the BEST things in life on this earth.  What am I talking about?  Some of the things that come to mind – relaxation, a massage, a glass of wine on the regular, getting a facial…and the list could go on.  Here’s a big one – time to myself when our kids were little.  I can’t even imagine me taking time to go workout back then or take a walk by myself.  I am not saying it was right, I am just saying that was the way I lived.

Lately I have watched the younger generation (my daughters, my daughter’s friends, my nieces, etc.) and thought to myself that they really treat themselves by getting their eyebrows done, going on a run with a friend when you have little ones at home, and the list goes on.  My first thoughts were how extravagant to spend money on eyebrows, nails or a massage or how can they relax on a run knowing they have kids at home.  I am not saying I am proud of my thoughts…just the truth. 

Here is what I have concluded just recently…I have a lot to learn from the younger generation.  Perhaps they are not being extravagant or self-centered, maybe they understand something that I never grasped.  IT IS OK TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! I have watched them enjoy life by doing things they love or taking care of themselves.  They never look at it as extravagant, just something they do to feel good, look their best and face life refreshed and confident. 

If you are like me, I challenge you and myself to do something at least once a week that puts ourselves first.  Maybe it is something small like an afternoon with coffee and your favorite magazine.  Or maybe it is something that requires a little financial investment but big returns such as a day at the spa.  It is worth the investment in yourself…it is worth the investment in myself.

I plan on giving myself permission to live the good life from now on.  Find your definition of living the good life and give yourself permission to live it!





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  1. Joni Hulls says:

    Linda! I know exactly what you are saying in your blog. I do think I may have learned it from my parents. Not that they did anything wrong, but simply that they didn’t do it. In my own personal instance I was always trying to take care of everyone else and always put myself last which usually meant go without. I never realized it at the time; if I had everyone in a happy place, I was content.
    Thanks for the inspiration my friend. My néw goal is to not feel guilty when I treat myself to freshly painted nails or anything else! ❤️?‍♀️

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