
Write The Book!

November 9, 2021

I’m Linda.
Welcome! I will share ideas/thoughts/experiences related to business, travel, home and inspiration. My hope is that this blog encourages others to "WEAR THE PERFUME!" in their lives! Enjoy!
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When I decided to pursue my idea of a “WEAR THE PERFUME!” life, one of the phrases I first thought of was “WRITE THE BOOK”!  Do you ever think how you wish you could write a book?  I know I sure have. You read that great story or read that amazing self-help book or some other style and wondered if you could ever write.  Guess what?!  You can!  I have always tossed the idea around in my head about writing.  My limiting belief was what do I have to say and who would want to read it.

No one needs to give you permission to write – you just give yourself permission.  We are blessed to be living in a day and age where creating a book is easier than ever.  What I mean by that is you can write, turn it into a digital book and put it out there on your website or social media.  You don’t have to have a publisher, an agent or invest thousands of dollars self-publishing.  I am in no way discounting the process of writing the book itself.  However, we can’t use the excuse of it being hard to get a book out there.

I made the decision to WRITE THE BOOK! It has been so hard, frustrating, and causing many moments of second guessing my decision.  Do I have the talent to write?  I have no idea.  Do I feel I have something that needs said – yes I do.  So, I will trudge ahead and get my first e-book out in the world this month.  I am telling you it is hard!  I have no expectations from anyone but myself.  I want to constantly be working on myself and living the same life I talk about on social media.  If I am going to “WEAR THE PERFUME!”, I have to take risks now, live life now and at this moment write the book now!

What is it that you have been thinking about wanting to do, try or learn? What is stopping you?  Maybe you keep the nice china in the cabinet for only holidays – use it now. Maybe you have thought of starting a book club – start it now.  Maybe you have thought about going to visit a little town you have always heard about and wanted to see – go there now.  Or if you feel the urge WRITE THE BOOK – write it now!

Thank you for stopping by!



Don’t miss out on the first chapter of my upcoming -book.  Click below to get the first chapter for FREE:


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