WEAR THE PERFUME!” is a metaphor for live life NOW, take risks NOW, and don’t be afraid NOW!
So many times we put off doing something in life…it can be something small or big. I came up with “WEAR THE PERFUME!” during staying home to work during COVID. I was putting on perfume each day and then I thought was just wasting it. Almost at the same moment, I had the thought “WEAR THE PERFUME!”.

Yesterday I started something new. Everyday I will share a new “WEAR THE PERFUME!” idea on my social media. I want to encourage people to start living life NOW! Many items I share will be simple. They are just to get you out of a rut or to try something new. Other items I share will be more of a challenge that may require a little work.
My first idea was to buy a new tree skirt for your Christmas tree! My point of that idea was two-fold. First, it forced me to go get a new tree skirt after staring at one I didn’t like for the past few years. But more importantly, I shared that idea with all of you to get you thinking about what you want to change in life but just keep doing or staring at. We have to take action!
So every day on my social media, I will share a new idea with you to start living with a “WEAR THE PERFUME!” attitude! Also, each Friday, I will email a summary of all of the ideas from the past 5 days. Sign up for my e-mail list so you don’t miss anything!
Thanks for stopping by! Linda

You don’t want to miss any of the ”WEAR THE PERFUME!” ideas! Sign up here to get on the email list to get the weekly summary of the ideas for the week!