
Lessons From A Movie

September 8, 2021

I’m Linda.
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I hardly ever watch TV, let alone movies (unless it is Christmas time and I watch all the sappy Hallmark movies – yes I admit it!). However, last night I found myself alone as my hubby is on a trip.  I thought why not curl up in his recliner and watch a movie.  So, I chose an older Hallmark movie I have seen at least 3 times.  It is called “November Christmas”.  I highly recommend it.  It is a different kind of Hallmark movie than the ones with the same plots.

Without revealing too much of the movie, I will say that it hit home a little.  The movie is based upon a little girl fighting cancer.  My mom is fighting cancer.  When you have a family member or a friend fighting that horrendous disease, you just see life a little differently than before.

As I watched this movie with tears in my eyes, I thought to myself that I could learn a few things from watching this drama unfold.  So here are 4 realizations that came to me:

We should always look at life and the beauty surrounding us like today is our last day – because it just might be.  I know that none of us like to consider today being our last.  I know I sure want to live until I am very old.  However, we don’t get a say in when God takes us home.  We do our best while we are here.  That being said…we need to do our best to live every day to the absolute fullest and see the beauty surrounding us.  I know some days are definitely harder than others to see the beauty.  I do believe though, if we are intentional every day, we will find the beauty in something every single day.  When I watched the movie, I marveled at how the little girl was wide eyed in wonder looking at the things around her on her ride home from the hospital.  She was not looking at majestic mountains or the ocean crashing up on the shore.  She was just looking at trees, lights and feeling the wind on her face. 

We should always celebrate!  We are not required to wait for a holiday.  Life has many reasons to celebrate and we need to do so!  I know I do not celebrate enough.  In the past few years, we had surprise 80th birthday parties for my mom and dad when they each hit that milestone.  I so enjoyed those celebrations.  I think what made it even more special, besides still having my parents here on earth to celebrate, was that my dad had never had a birthday party.  I was so shocked and sadden when I learned this part of my dad’s story.  It was such a joy to see him soak in the celebration for his 80th.  My dad is a man of few words for sure.  However, I could read his facial expressions and small smiles during the party.  Have that party you have been thinking about, celebrate that good grade your child worked so hard to achieve, stop and says “cheers” to a beautiful fall day and the list could go on.  As I said before I don’t want to give too much away, but the title of the movie tells you that they celebrated when life required it.  They did not wait for a date on the calendar.

Here is another realization I had during the movie – we need to pay attention to those around us.  They might be going through something and need help or encouragement.  I am not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to recognizing when people are going through a situation.  I need to get better.  I do think that my personality type of an Enneagram 7 causes me to avoid painful situations.  No excuse – just a reality that I know I need to work on.  I do feel I am decent at encouraging people.  I will focus on getting better for sure.  Encouragement is one of the focuses in my “Wear The Perfume!” brand in the area of inspiration. In the movie, a neighbor thought the father of the little girl was “strange”.  He wondered why the dad was doing and asking certain things that didn’t make sense (according to the so-called rules or customs).  As the neighbor observed and really paid attention, the questions and actions of the father made perfect sense when he realized the little girl had cancer.  Lesson learned – pay attention to others and don’t always assume the worst or the weird.

My last insight from the movie was that we should continue to look at life through a child’s eyes.  We need to see the wonder, the possibility, and the creativity.  Oh how hard this can be as an adult.  We have so many responsibilities and pressures.  I think that maybe if we began to get curious again, believe we are creative and recognize the wonder of life and nature, we could change our life and the lives of others.  It sounds so simple – I know it isn’t.  I have to remind myself daily and I will continue to do so.  Will I be successful every day?  No, but I will make progress and that is all we can strive towards.  I challenge you, along with myself, to take a little time each day to be childlike – not childish! HA! Let’s be childlike in what we look for, what we question, what we create and that to which we pay attention.  The precious girl in the movie was creative, she was curious and she recognized the wonder and beauty of life.

 I am so glad I chose that movie the other night.  It was really out of character for what I normally do on a summer evening.  I guess I was supposed to see that movie and learn some lessons.  I am thankful for the lessons.

Thank you for stopping by!



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