
Traditions and Thankfulness

December 1, 2020

I’m Linda.
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I probably should have posted this before Thanksgiving, but I am glad I waited.  We have traditions in our family just like all of you.  Every year we look forward to my mom’s pumpkin pie.  It is just the best!  I would never even think about eating pumpkin pie anywhere else but from my mom.  I am definitely not a pie snob or really much of a pie eater in general…her pie just holds a special place in my heart.

Enter the year of 2020 Thanksgiving…first Thanksgiving in my entire life not eating a pumpkin pie prepared by my mom.  COVID has upended everyone’s year as well as their holiday plans.  I truly tried not to be depressed about missing out time with my family as well as my husband’s family.  I would not walk into my brother’s home this year and know that my mom’s pumpkin pies would be waiting for her family. 

Let me digress just a little… 2020 started with a call on January 6th from my mom stating that she may have a potentially serious health situation.  Whirlwind forward to January 15th as my mom, my dad, brother, sister and myself sat in the surgeon’s office as he delivered the news of my mom’s cancer diagnosis.  As we set there for 45 minutes or so, I remember the surgeon speaking…I remember looking at my mom and thinking how strong she is even though she has such a sweet personality that might lead someone to believe otherwise…I remember watching my dad support his wife of over 60 years as they faced the biggest health crisis in their marriage…I remember feeling a little numb…I remember feeling a little combatant in that we would fight this fight with my mom and WIN! Surgery day came on January 28, 2020.  We surrounded my mom before she went into surgery – her husband, kids and grandkids – offering a prayer to God for her peace, comfort and healing, along with guiding the medical staff.

Fast forward to today…my mom is doing great!  We are so blessed!  I don’t know what the future holds in her health situation, but I know right this minute I can call my mom and just say “hello” or ask for her pumpkin pie recipe.  The night before Thanksgiving that is exactly what I did – call my sweet mom for her pumpkin pie recipe.  When I got off of the phone, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness that I could still make that call and hear her voice. 

Thanksgiving day 2020…my daughter, Whitney, made my mom’s pumpkin pies for our dinner of just me, my husband and my three daughters.  The pies were amazing and brought a little bit of my family that I was missing into my home for the day.  Sometimes traditions look a little different as the years go by, but the memories are always sweet of how they used to be. 

2020 has caused me to be overwhelmed with thankfulness for who I have in my life and also to cherish the traditions that make life a little more sweet…pumpkin pie sweet!




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