What in the world does that mean you ask? I encourage, educate and offer opportunities for women who want to start living life NOW! I focus on 4 areas of life in which I am passionate and experienced:
business · travel · home · inspiration
Go to the Meet Linda page to learn what "LIVE LIFE LAVSIHLY!" means.
Do you find yourself feeling stuck? Do you feel you are supposed to be doing something else in your life? Maybe you just feel like you need to LIVE more. Listen ... I have been there and I know how that feels. I have lived in the “pit” of being stuck. When I hit a rock bottom for me, I finally decided I needed to make a change. I really analyzed my life, what I absolutely love and how I can help others in those areas of life to start LIVING.
here's what i do:
Podcast Host
The "Live Life Lavishly!" podcast is your "go to" to be encouraged to live life NOW, take risks NOW, and to not be afraid NOW! Join me on Spotify or Apple Podcasts to be a part of the FUN!
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You have always dreamed of starting a business. Either you had some fear or didn't know where to start. You can "LIVE LIFE LAVISHLY!" by starting the business that is always in your dreams. Let me use my experience to help you.
Sometimes when we have been "stuck" and not living life NOW, we need some inspiration to give us a boost. Inspiration can come in many forms...quotes, stories, books, Bible verses and encouragement from others. Here are some ideas to Life Life Lavishly! in your life through inspiration.
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If you like home decor ideas, need advice on building a new home or just want ideas of enjoying the home you have...I am your person! Experience in building two of our own homes with my hubby, owning a residential construction company and loving home decor - I have you covered!
Do you love to travel? Me too! I will share places I have been, ideas of where to go, what to do. Let's go "LIVE LIFE LAVISHLY!" in our homes and when we travel!
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"START the business! TAKE the trip! PAINT the room! ENCOURAGE someone!
Live life lavishly! Lavishly means expended or produced in abundance.
Enneagram 7, winging to an 8 - I love me some FUN!! I also am assertive and confident - don't let anyone call it being bossy! HA!
You don't want to miss out on this list of 25 ways to Live Life Lavishly! in your life! My hope is this list will inspire you to create even more ideas on your own! Share them with me!
You have that tug on your heart to own your own business. The idea has been on your heart for quite some time. I can help bring that dream to fruition.
Travel doesn't have to be a luxury. Make it part of your life. See what I have coming up to help you with travel ideas and FUN!
Creating a haven can be fairly simple, but so important. LIVE LIFE LAVISHLY! in your life in your home!
Lavishly: expended or produced in abundance!
Friends, many of you are not living life lavishly! I know I wasn't! Lavish has nothing to do with money! It has everything to do with abundance of experiences and living out your dreams and purpose in life!
Whether it be business · travel · home · inspiration, I want to encourage you to LIVE LIFE LAVISHLY! in your life!
to live life
You don't want to miss anything! Go ahead and get your information entered. I will email you any updates, new opportunities or just FUN stuff! I would love to have you as part of the community!
To "LIVE LIFE LAVISHLY!" we have to live life NOW! Get on the Community News e-mail list of FUN and LAVISH living!
Start the "LIVE LIFE LAVISHLY" journey with the SIGNATURE FRAMEWORK e-book. Don't wait another second...get the e-book and get living your life NOW!
Yes! I want it!
All things business, travel, home and inspiration can be found on the "LIVE LIFE LAVISHLY!" insta account. Come and join the FUN!